Blog > NASA uses ROR

YES, Welders Use ROR Lens Cleaner Too!

In the world of welding, welding helmets are the most important safety and protection equipment after welding gloves. A welding technician faces many risks that could cause eye problems, such as infrared, high intensity light and ultraviolet. Those factors could bring permanent retinal damage. That is why you as a welder need a welding helmet […]

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The New BlackBerry Bold 9930…Keep it clean with ROR

California LCD Screen Cleaner, ROR has exactly what you need to keep your new BlackBerry Bold 9930 looking Clean, Cool and Sharp! Order ROR Today! Your BlackBerry Will Thank You  :) ROR stands for “residual oil remover.” Unlike other lens cleaners, ROR is designed to emulsify and remove the microscopic film of oil residing […]

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Building the World’s Largest Telescope…..Let’s Help Them Keep Their Lens Clean

“Houston businessman George Mitchell has agreed to donate $25 million to the construction of the Giant Magellan Telescope, an instrument that would be the largest ever built. The gift ensures that astronomers from Texas A&M University, Mitchell’s alma mater, will receive ample time to use the telescope. Developers plan to build the instrument with an […]

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Results You Can Count On

ROR has proven results that you can count on for all of your lens, screen and optics cleaning needs. From streaks to residual oils and dust, ROR is the industries leading first choice for lens, screen and optics cleaning. From the everyday use to the stars above, ROR has a place with you and in […]

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Used by NASA

Every material object exposed to the environment, including bino and scope lenses, are coated with a microscopic oil residue, the unfortunate by-product of environmental pollution. This lens clean-er is the first one designed to remove this oil residue. In a National Bureau of Standards test, ROR increased optical resolution 40% over cleaning with standard lens […]

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